Biographies by Artist's Last Name
A - B | C - E | F - H | I - L | M - N | O - R | S | T - Z
Artist: Allen Sapp ~ [1929-2015] Canadian RCA
Artist: Allen Sapp ~ [1929-2015] Canadian RCA
Reference: see artist's website
see Cree Life - the Art of Allen Sapp, published by J. Warner, Douglas Ltd., 1977; Two Spirits Soar - The Art of Allen Sapp, The Inspiration of Allan Gonor, by W.P. Kinsella, published by Stoddart, 1990; Kiskayetum - Allen Sapp: - Retrospective, by Bob Boyer, published by MacKenzie Art Gallery, 1994; The Song Within My Heart, David Bouchard, published by Raincoast Books, 2002;
Nokum is My Teacher, by David Bouchard, Red Deer Press, 2006; included in Time for Dialogue, by Joane Cardinal-Schubert, pg. 19, published by Calgary Aboriginal Awareness Society, 1992; biographies in Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Artists - Men, by Marketa Newman, pg. 223, published by Fifth House, 1994; Westbridge, Vol. 4, pg. 4; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Tony Scherman ~ [1950-2023] Canadian
Artist: Tony Scherman ~ [1950-2023] Canadian
Reference: see artist's website; see Processes, by R. Enright, Douglas Udell Gallery, 1999; another example in Contemporary Canadian Art, by D.Burnett and M.Schiff, pg.280, Hurtig Pub., 1983; numerous website listings in Dallas, Montreal, Toronto and Berlin; represented by Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary and Heffel Gallery, Toronto
Artist: Petrus Paulus II Schiedges ~ [1860-1922] Dutch
Artist: Petrus Paulus II Schiedges ~ [1860-1922] Dutch
Reference: included on the Getty Union List of Artist Names Online, by the Getty Research Trust website; listed on
Artist: Carl Schlademan ~ [20th century] Canadian
Artist: Carl Schlademan ~ [20th century] Canadian
Reference: see artist's website at; represented by Assiniboia Gallery, Regina; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: John Vernon Seerey-Lester ~ [1945-2020] American
Artist: John Vernon Seerey-Lester ~ [1945-2020] American
Reference: see artist's website; see The Art of John Seerey-Lester, Face to Face with Nature, by J.Seerey-Lester, Mill Pond, 1991
Artist: Glen Semple ~ [b.1960] Canadian
Artist: Glen Semple ~ [b.1960] Canadian
Reference: see artist biography at West End Gallery; included in the University of Calgary Millenium Portfolio, 1999 as alumnus; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website; represented by West End Gallery, Edmonton
Artist: Jack Leonard Shadbolt ~ [1909-1998] Canadian BCSA, CGP, CSGA, CSPWC, RCA
Artist: Jack Leonard Shadbolt ~ [1909-1998] Canadian BCSA, CGP, CSGA, CSPWC, RCA
Reference: Shadbolt was born in England and came to Victoria, British Columbia as a child with his family. His work is represented in all the major galleries across Canada as well as in corporate and private collections. Shadbolt's numerous awards include the Order of Canada in 1972 and an Honorary Degree from the University of British Columbia. In 1987 he and his wife, art historian and curator Doris Shadbolt, established VIVA, the Vancouver Institute for Visual Arts, which supports and recognizes the achievement of artists in British Columbia.
For further biograhical information and scholarly essays see the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery website at and also artist listing at National Gallery of Canada; see In Search of Form, by J.Shadbolt, McClelland, 1968; Jack Shadbolt, by S.Watson, Douglas and McIntyre, 1990; Correspondences - Jack Shadbolt, by P.Ainslie, Glenbow Museum, 1991; Counterpoint: The Prints of Jack Shadbolt, by K.Henry, Burnaby Art Gallery, 1996; A.G.O., by the A.G.O., pg.417 and N.G.C. Vol.III, by R.Hubbard, pg.279; biography in Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.4, pg.18, Westbridge Pub., 2003; exhibition lists in R.C.A.A., pg.371 and M.M.F.A., by E.McMann, pg.348
Artist: Margaret Shelton ~ [1915-1984] Canadian ASA, CPE
Artist: Margaret Shelton ~ [1915-1984] Canadian ASA, CPE
Reference: Raised in the mining town of Rosedale, Shelton felt a kinship with both nature and working class people which greatly influenced her art. She studied under such celebrated artists as A.C. Leighton, H.G. Glyde and Walter J. Phillips, and managed to appear regularly in Alberta art exhibitions despite raising a family during the 1950s and '60s. She was a master printmaker whose ouevre of vibrant and meticulous work has enriched the Canadian art tradition.
For detailed biography, articles, and examples of work see the artist's website; see also Margaret Shelton: Block Prints 1936-1984, by P.Ainslie [MSBP#], Glenbow Museum [no date]; Printmaking in Alberta 1945-1985, by B.Cochran, pg.132; Images of the Land, 1919-1945, by P.Ainslie, pg.90; included in Jubilee Exhibition of Alberta Paintings, by J.Nicoll, pg.28, Calgary Allied Art Centre, 1955; included in Alberta Society of Artists, the First Seventy-Five Years, by K.Zimon, pg.43, U of C Press; biographies in Westbridge,Vol.4, pg.507 and North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century, ed.J.Heller, pg.507, Garland Pub., 1995
Artist: Peter Shostak ~ [b.1943] Canadian
Artist: Peter Shostak ~ [b.1943] Canadian
Reference: see artist's website
see When Nights Were Long, by P.Shostak, Yalenka Books, 1982; Saturday Came but Once a Week, by P.Shostak, Yalenka Books, 1984; For Our Children, by P.Shostak, Yalenka Books, 1991; biography in Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.4, pg. 23, Westbridge Pub., 2003; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website; large exhibition opening Oct. 16, 2014 at West End Gallery, Edmonton
Artist: John Falconar Slater ~ [1857-1937] British
Artist: John Falconar Slater ~ [1857-1937] British
Reference: included in Concise Catalogue of Oil Paintings in the National Maritime Museum, by National Maritime Museum,pg.366, Antique Collectors' Club, 1988; included on the Getty Union List of Artist Names Online, by the Getty Research Trust website; listed on
Artist: John Harold Thomas Snow ~ [1911-2004] Canadian ASA, CSGA, RCA
Artist: John Harold Thomas Snow ~ [1911-2004] Canadian ASA, CSGA, RCA
Reference: Snow was born in Vancouver in 1911, lived in England during WW1 and with the family returned to Olds, Alberta in 1919. He had successful career for over 43 years with the Royal Bank of Canada and served with the Royal Canadian Air Force in WWII. After the war he and Maxwell Bates began a fruitful friendship that invigorated the art scene in Calgary and supported the modernist period of art in Alberta. As self-taught printers they began making lithographs with two old machine presses they rescued from an alleyway and this medium came to define Snow's work, though he also worked in watercolour, oil, mixed media, concrete sculpture, textiles, and intaglio relief. In addition to his talent in the visual arts, Snow was an accomplished musician who helped create the New Works Calgary Society and he also organized the Calgary Film Society in the late 1940s. He was inducted as a member of the Alberta Order of Excellence in 1996. His residence and studio is now registered on the Canadian Register of Historic Places; see John Snow House
For more detailed biographical information see Government of Alberta and Feckless Collection; see a comprehensive 2002 article written in Galleries West; see also John Snow: Four Decades, by M.Joslin, E.A.G., 1990; Founders of the A.C.A., by V.Greenfield, pg.101 and pg.65; Printmaking in Alberta 1945-1985, by B.Cochran, pg.137 and A.G.O., by the A.G.O., pg.425; included in Jubilee Exhibition of Alberta Paintings, by J.Nicoll, pg.28, Calgary Allied Art Centre, 1955; included in Alberta Society of Artists, the First Seventy-Five Years, by K.Zimon, pg.42, pl.45a, UofC Press; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.4, pg.35, Westbridge Pub., 2003 for biography; exhibition lists in R.C.A.A., pg.383 and M.M.F.A., by E.McMann, pg.360
Artist: Lyle Sopel ~ [b.1952] Canadian
Artist: Lyle Sopel ~ [b.1952] Canadian
Reference: see artist's website
represented by Canada House Gallery, Banff and Kube Gallery, Fort Langley; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website at
Artists in Canada
Artist: William Lewy Leroy Stevenson ~ [1905-1966] Canadian ASA
Artist: William Lewy Leroy Stevenson ~ [1905-1966] Canadian ASA
Reference: see W.L.Stevenson, 1926-1966: Painter of Light/Painter of Darkness, by M.Joslin, E.A.G., 1995; Founders of the A.C.A., by V.Greenfield, pg.103; included in Jubilee Exhibition of Alberta Paintings, by J.Nicoll, pg.29, Calgary Allied Art Centre, 1955; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.4, pg. 45, Westbridge Pub., 2003
Artist: Linda Stewart ~ [b.1950] Canadian
Artist: Linda Stewart ~ [b.1950] Canadian
Reference: see artist's website at; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.4, pg.45, Westbridge Pub., 2003
Artist: Marc-Aurele de Foy Suzor-Cote ~ [1869-1937] Canadian RCA
Artist: Marc-Aurele de Foy Suzor-Cote ~ [1869-1937] Canadian RCA
Reference: Born in Arthabaska, Quebec, Suzor-Cote began by helping painter Maxime Rousseau to make church decorations. He went to Paris in the 1890 and studied at the Ecole de Beaux-Arts and the Julian and Colarossi academies, returning to Canada in 1893. Returning to France in the nineties, returning to open a studio in Montreal in 1908. A.R.C.A in 1911, R.C.A in 1914, a sculptor and painter of both landscapes and figures. He died at Daytona Beach, Florida 1937. See Suzor-Cote, by H. de Jouvancourt, Edit. La Fregate, Montreal, 1967; Suzor-Cote, Back to Arthabaska, by L.Foisy, Musee Laurier, 1987; Suzor-Cote, L'Oeuvre Sculpte, by P.L'Allier, Musee de Quebec, 1991; Suzor-Cote, Light and Matter, by L.Lacroix, N.G.C., 2002; see also Maria Chapdelaine: Illustrations by Gagnon and Suzor-Cote, by I.Thom, McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 1988; biographies in N.G.C. Vol.III, by R.Hubbard, pg.288 and A.G.O., by the A.G.O., pg.434; Westbridge,Vol.4, pg.48; see artist biography at National Gallery of Canada